How Accurate Is a .02 Bac Breathalyzer Reading

Image: GLOBAL ALERT: An estimated 10 million people PER DAY are set on irreversible countdown to vaccine death that could exterminate BILLIONS if not stopped in the next year

(Natural News) This is a cerise alarm for humanity. We have less fourth dimension remaining than yous might think.

I've done some crude math, and it's beyond alarming. It spells the stop of man civilisation if we don't end the vaccine holocaust in the adjacent 365 days.

Equally estimates and projections testify beneath, every bit long as "clot shot" covid vaccines are existence administered around the world, well-nigh 10 million people each day are being put on an irreversible countdown to vaccine death. For each twenty-four hour period that these vaccine shots continue, in other words, roughly 10 million people will probable dice over the next decade, based on these projections. (See the math below.)

This explains why Biden and other world leaders don't care almost legal challenges and the dominion of police force. They know that if they tin can groovy these vaccines into people for but one more year, they will murder over iii.5 billion more homo beings from vaccine-induced deaths that boot in over the next decade.

That's why we take less time remaining than yous might retrieve. And that's why the vaccine zealots don't care if they get stopped over the next ii-iii years by court challenges. Past then information technology'due south also late for humanity.

Even if we finish all covid vaccines correct now, nosotros're likely to still see between one and 2 billion deaths over the next decade as vaccine deaths accept their toll. (See the numbers beneath.)

Disclaimer: The numbers presented here are estimates and projections based on early data bachelor at present. These estimates may substantially improve or worsen as new information go available. These conclusions are subject to change based on new data equally it is released for total mortality, cancer deaths and other factors. These decision are not peer-reviewed. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Run into below for full details.


By the way, think that Reuters "fact checkers" are all compromised because Reuters is the propaganda arm of Pfizer. They share some of the same board members. The job of Reuters is to pump out Pfizer disinformation and label it "facts." These so-chosen "facts" are then used to suppress the truth on social media platforms like Facebook. It's all a grand evil conspiracy involving Pfizer, Reuters, Facebook and a true depopulation agenda to mass murder billions of human being beings.

The "mass prey event" has begun

As Dr. Robert Malone has recently pointed out, nosotros are living through a "mass casualty event" that looks a lot like genocide: (emphasis ours)

Information technology is starting to await to me similar the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed.  And, if this rather dry report from a senior Indiana life insurance executive holds true, then Reiner Fuellmich's "Crimes against Humanity" push for convening new Nuremberg trials starts to wait a lot less quixotic and a lot more than prophetic.

AT WORST, this report implies that the federal workplace vaccine mandates have driven what appear to be a truthful crime against humanity.  Massive loss of life in (presumably) workers that have been forced to accept a toxic vaccine at higher frequency relative to the general population of Indiana.

This article reads similar a dry description of an avoidable mass casualty event acquired past a mandated experimental medical procedure. I for which all opportunities for the victims to accept get cocky-informed well-nigh the potential risks have been methodically erased from both the net and public awareness by an international corrupt cabal operating under the flag of the "Trusted News Initiative". George Orwell must be spinning in his grave.

Looking at the evidence

The VAERS system is currently reporting roughly 21,000 post-vaccine deaths in America. A well-documented URF (Under Reporting Factor) in normal times is around twoscore. This reveals that at least 840,000 Americans accept already died from covid vaccines.

Yet nosotros too know from credible sources such as attorney Thomas Renz and the Medicare whistleblower that VAERS information is months behind on information entry. The process of entering records into VAERS is being intentionally slowed to prevent these numbers from rapidly growing. Additionally — and critically — nurses are beingness actively ordered past doctors, hospitals and administrators to avoid submitting VAERS reports related to covid vaccines. This is widely documented in manufactures like this ane from CitizensJournal.u.s.:

Angela, a nurse for more 25 years, confirms that in her hospital's emergency room, they say they are seeing more centre issues in immature adults, which are never reported to the Vaccine Agin Result Re­porting Organization (VAERS) equally potential ad­poesy reactions to COVID "vaccinations."

Another nurse, Jennifer, says ER nurs­es privately say they are seeing "all the clot­ting, bleeding and things you would look from the vaccine six months later — encephalon bleeds, heart attacks in younger 50-year-olds. No doctor will admit this is from the vaccine. They won't make the VAERS re­port."

When Daniel asked fellow nurses and practitioners if they study to VAERS, they looked at him similar, "What'south that?"

All nurses interviewed say they are seeing "ground-glass opacity" results in the CT scans of people's lungs who recently took the experimental vaccines — and that this is never reported to VAERS.

We also know from anecdotal evidence that a shocking number of Usa doctors have no idea what VAERS is. They make no reports whatever and aren't even aware of the beingness of this organization. This fact, combined with the realization that nurses are beingness actively ordered to avoid VAERS reporting on covid vaccines, means the URF of forty is far too low. Given the environment of extreme suppression now leveled against doctors and nurses to attempt to cover up vaccine injuries, a more legitimate estimate of the URF would be 200.

If authentic, this would hateful that 21,000 VAERS reports actually translated into iv.2 million US deaths from these vaccines and then far.

Bookmark that thought every bit we look at other numbers that pigment a truly frightening picture show.

Vaccines impale people in three phases, taking as long as a decade for all the vaccine-induced cancer deaths to play out

Although we've all seen people literally keel over dead from vaccine-induced eye attacks, near people who are on runway to dice from covid vaccines don't dice right away. In that location are 3 phases of covid vaccine mortality, described in this nautical chart below:

Remember that according to Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic trained, lath-certified anatomic pathologist, 62% of patients injected with mRNA vaccines show micro blood clots. Dr. Cole presents this bear witness in the following video from the White Glaze Summit:

Micro blood clotting is an early on sign of vascular damage and middle impairment. People receiving covid vaccines are often diagnosed with myocarditis, which has a 56% fatality rate over 5 years.

A study published by the American Heart Association — then widely censored by Big Tech — found that mRNA covid vaccines greatly increased the chance of vascular inflammation and therefore heart attacks and other vascular events. The chance of heart attack solitary increased by 127% in a group of 500 patients, according to this one study.

Equally DailyExpose.great britain explains:

A new study suggests the mRNA injections produced by both Pfizer and Moderna are raising inflammatory blood markers used to judge the take a chance of a person suffering a center assault.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, a consultant cardiologist, points out that in the United kingdom in that location have been 10,000 excess non-Covid deaths — many of which were due to heart attack and stroke.

A few days after these ominous results came out, a whistleblower and researcher from a dissimilar group contacted Dr Aseem Malhotra to say that in imaging studies they accept constitute inflammation in the coronary arteries after vaccination. Just they decided not to publish this yet because they are afraid of losing future grant money from the drug industry. The whistleblower was quite upset about this.

Dr. Charles Hoffe (Canada) is also reporting substantial increases in blood clotting among mRNA vaccine takers. Via LifeSiteNews:

The cadre problem he has seen are microscopic clots in his patients' tiniest capillaries. He said, "Claret clots occurring at a capillary level. This has never earlier been seen. This is not a rare illness. This is an absolutely new phenomenon."

Well-nigh importantly, he has emphasized these micro-clots are too small to show up on CT scans, MRI, and other conventional tests, such as angiograms, and can but be detected using the D-dimer blood exam, a standard exam that indicates whether blood clots are being actively formed somewhere inside a person's vascular arrangement.

Using the latter, he constitute that 62 percent of his patients injected with an mRNA shot were positive for clotting, not a small-scale fraction that can be easily dismissed.

Myocarditis fatalities and inhibition of Deoxyribonucleic acid damage repair

Through simple math, if nosotros accept 62 percent of covid vaccinated people who show micro blood clots — leading to myocarditis — and multiply by the known myocarditis 56% fatality rate over five years, this alone would hateful that 36% of mRNA vaccine takers will be dead in v years. Granted, this assumes that all the micro claret jell people end up with myocarditis, and that relationship isn't nonetheless satisfactorily documented. So this 36%, based entirely on heart assail deaths, may be as well high by itself.

Yet this only begins to tell the story of deaths from other causes such equally vaccine-induced cancer. Another fact we now know is that in one case mRNA vaccines start producing fasten protein nanoparticles in a person's trunk, some percentage of those spike proteins enter cell nuclei and achieve almost a xc% suppression of the NHEJ mechanism, which is the chromosomal repair mechanism that maintains genetic integrity for the body.

Run into this Nov. ii, 2021 commodity – Vaccine spike protein enters jail cell nuclei, suppresses Dna repair engine of the human torso, will unleash explosion of cancer, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerated aging.

That article cites a disquisitional research newspaper entitled, "SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs Dna Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro," authored by Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei, at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner–Gren Institute, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden, and the Department of Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Umeå Academy, SE-90185 Umeå, Sweden, respectively. You can see an archived PDF of this study at:

In the determination of the paper, authors write, "We found that the spike protein markedly inhibited both BRCA1 and 53BP1 foci formation (Effigy 3D–G). Together, these data show that the SARS–CoV–2 full–length fasten protein inhibits DNA harm repair by hindering Deoxyribonucleic acid repair protein recruitment."

The report finds that the suppression of NHEJ activity exhibits a dose-dependent response to the presence of spike protein. This means that fasten proteins in the cells volition crusade the suppression of chromosomal repair mechanisms, leading to loss of genetic integrity over time.

In effect, once people are injected with mRNA vaccines, when they are subsequently exposed to even mild sources of ionizing radiation — sunlight, mammography, loftier-altitude commercial air flights, food plastics chemicals, etc. — their bodies may initiate the growth of new cancer tumors that cannot be suppressed because the NHEJ organisation is no longer functioning.

In effect, people will get mutants because they can no longer maintain genetic integrity due to the fasten protein suppression of the NHEJ repair mechanism.

We are already seeing reports of alarming increases in cancers among the vaccinated. For example, every bit reported from

Women recently injected with experimental covid vaccines are showing symptoms of Chest CANCER

A grouping of Utah doctors have discovered something terrifying in recent mammogram screenings taken at the Chest Intendance Middle in Salt Lake City, Utah. Women who were recently injected with experimental COVID vaccines endure from abnormal inflammation of the lymph nodes in their breasts. According to the Intermountain Healthcare doctors, women who take the covid-xix vaccines are showing symptoms of breast cancer.

Dr. Brett Parkinson, Physician., warns, "Whenever we see these on a normal screening mammogram, nosotros call those patients back considering it can either mean metastatic breast cancer which travels to the lymph nodes or lymphoma or leukemia." Instead of dealing with the cause of this problem (vaccines), the doctors are now telling women non to get mammograms after vaccination.

And from Idaho doctor reports "xx times increase" in cancer among those "vaccinated" for covid:

In a video produced by the Idaho state government's "Capitol Clarity" project, Cole revealed how he is now seeing a 2,000 percent chronic illness increment in folks who took [the vaccine].

"Since Jan i, in the laboratory, I'yard seeing a 20-times increment of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual ground," Cole stated in the video.

"I'thousand not exaggerating at all because I expect at my numbers twelvemonth over yr, and I'm like 'Gosh, I've never seen this many endometrial cancers earlier.'"

In a "normal" year, there are around 600,000 cancer deaths in the United states of america. With the spike poly peptide suppressing NJEH by ninety%, and with doctors already reporting a 2000% increment in i type of cancer (endometrial) from early 2020, it'south clear that cancer deaths are going to substantially increase in the coming years due to covid vaccines.

Add that data point to the big picture hither.

A 40% increment in all crusade mortality, says life insurance CEO

Providing an additional clue to all this, we have recently reported on the shocking interview with Scott Davison, CEO of OneAmerica, a life insurance company. Davison reveals that all-cause mortality is up xl% among their life insurance policy holders, which covers a wide range of people, aged eighteen – 64. Davison refers to this every bit, "the highest decease rates we take seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica."

This observation is based on third quarter information from 2021. The numbers for Q4 volition look far worse due to the well documented fact that VE numbers (Vaccine Effectiveness) plummet with each passing week subsequently vaccination, representing a continued destruction of the immune system. As more time goes by, those who took the vaccines have weaker and weaker allowed systems, making them more vulnerable to mutual infections and flu strains that would ordinarily be of little threat. This is confirmed by official authorities data from the U.k. equally well as independent inquiry such as this study from the Francis Crick Institute in the UK: Pfizer vaccine destroys T cells, weakens the immune system – report:

A study from the Francis Crick Establish in the U.k. has found that the Pfizer-BioNTech Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine destroys T cells and weakens the immune system… Information technology found that simply 50 percent of the people who received a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine had a quantifiable neutralizing antibody response confronting the blastoff variant of COVID-19. This number decreased even further to just 32 pct and 25 percent for the delta and beta variants, respectively.

A 40% increment in all-cause mortality, if practical beyond all historic period groups, ways that an boosted 3,100 Americans are dying each day. That's over 90,000 people per month being killed by the vaccine equally of Q3, 2021. (The normal pre-covid death rate is around 7,700 per day in the USA.)

We estimate that by the time Q1, 2022 information are available, we will likely see up to a 60% increase in all cause mortality, leading to an boosted four,600 deaths per 24-hour interval. This alone is nearly 1.7 meg deaths per twelvemonth, or nearly half a percent of the entire The states population.

My (conservative) prediction is that as post-vaccine cancer deaths have hold, nosotros are going to run into, at minimum, a 400% increase in cancer deaths starting in 2022. That's roughly two.four meg vaccine-related cancer deaths per year for the foreseeable future, very likely continuing through the next decade.

93% of mail-vaccine deaths attributed to the vaccine itself

One more gene to consider in all this is the astonishing research conducted by Drs. Bhakdi and Burkhardt, commented on by Steve Kirsh at

Although the sample size was small (15 autopsies), it showed that 93% of people who died after beingness vaccinated were, in fact, killed by the vaccine. Equally Kirsh explains:

The coroner or the public prosecutor didn't associate the vaccine every bit the crusade of decease in any of the cases. Withal, farther test revealed that the vaccine was implicated in the deaths of fourteen of the xv cases. The virtually attacked organ was the heart (in all of the people who died), simply other organs were attacked besides. The implications are potentially enormous resulting in millions of deaths. The vaccines should be immediately halted.

Chiefly, as Dr. Bhakdi explains on video, these autopsies showed that people were killed by killer lyphocytes attacking their own organs such as the heart and lungs.

In other words, mRNA covid vaccines caused the trunk's ain immune system to get-go growing lymphocyte tissues in places where it doesn't belong, such as the eye and other organs.

This shocking finding acquired former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon to write Steve Kirsh and explicate, "This is about the worst xv min (video) I've ever seen. Mass covid19 vaccination is leading to mass murder."

That video is shown here:

Essentially, what Dr. Bhakdi'southward findings reveal is that far more people are now dying from the vaccine than from natural causes. This would imply that the pre-covid daily death charge per unit of seven,700 Americans (that's per day) is well-nigh to exist dwarfed by vaccine-induced deaths which will, at some indicate, emerge as a multiple of vii,700.

It'due south not unreasonable to imagine that over the next few years as cancer tumors and lymphocyte attacks advance, we could start to see daily deaths in America exceeding 16,000 or even 30,000 as the post-covid vaccine deaths accelerate.

At 30,000 deaths per day, by the style, the number of dead in a yr reaches nearly 11 meg people, or about 3.three% of the full U.S. population expiring in a given yr. Over a decade, that's well-nigh a tertiary of the current population. These are projections, of course, but they are rooted in early evidence and observation.

Conservatively, one-3rd of all who received covid vaccines volition likely die over the next decade… and another third volition be debilitated

Based on the cancer deaths, myocarditis deaths, autoimmune deaths, heart attack deaths and the increased risks of strokes, neurological disorders and organ failure, nosotros can conservatively conclude that roughly:

  • I-third of those who took mRNA covid vaccines will be dead over the next 10 years.
  • One-third will be injured or debilitated and unlikely to be capable of participating in society in a meaningful way.
  • One-3rd will exist relatively unaffected.

Interestingly, this appears to coincide with the statistical analysis of covid vaccine lot numbers, where roughly one-third of the lots are associated with centre attacks and deaths, another third are associated with injuries (but not decease), and a concluding 3rd appear to exist harmless (suspected to be saline).

Again, these are crude numbers and in that location will be disagreement about many of the projections made hither, but this is an early snapshot and projection based on what we know then far. Plainly, these conclusions are subject to change as new data announced, and the last number past the terminate of 2032 could be radically different from these projections (far worse or perhaps far better).

30 million people per twenty-four hours are being vaccinated effectually the world

Now allow's look at what this means globally if we conclude that roughly 1-third of vaccinated people volition die over the side by side decade.

Right now, nearly 30 1000000 people are beingness vaccinated each day beyond the earth, according to

That aforementioned site says that 58.5% of the world'southward population have been vaccinated with at least one dose, and that ix.25 billion doses have been administered (information accessed on 1/4/2022).

If ane-third of vaccinated people are set on a path to die from the vaccine over the next decade, and so each day that these vaccines continue, about x million people are existence sentenced to expiry.

If this continues for just i more year — 365 days — this would mean an boosted iii.65 billion people will be exterminated by vaccines and dice from vaccine-induced fatalities over the adjacent decade or so. That's roughly half the world'southward population, by the manner.

If yous're wondering how more one-3rd of the world's population can be exterminated if but i-third of the vaccine lots are and so-chosen "kill shots," recollect that people are existence given multiple injections via "boosters." Thus, ane person can be injected five or 6 times with mRNA shots, and even if but one-third of those shots are "kill shots," their chances of escaping the kill shot dwindle speedily. Information technology's like playing vaccine roulette.

Statistically speaking, here are the odds of EVADING a kill shot if a person continues to take more injections, given the assumption that one-third of the lots are deadly:

1st injection: chance of evading death.

2nd injection: 44.4% chance of evading death. (.666 ^ 2)

3rd injection: 29.5% chance of evading death. (.666 ^ 3)

4th injection: xix.vii% chance of evading death. (.666 ^ 4)

5th injection: 13.1% chance of evading decease.

sixth injection: 8.vii% chance of evading death.

As yous can come across, if the governments of the world can coerce people into taking six shots, they can kill over ninety% of the world's population, given that one-tertiary of vaccine lots are impale shots and assuming a 100% kill charge per unit over fourth dimension.

Thus, the only manner to stop this vaccine holocaust is to cease the vaccines.

For each additional day that the depopulation globalists run their vaccine holocaust entrada, they are probable exterminating an additional 10 meg people over time.

That'due south a Globe War II Nazi Holocaust every xiv.four hours, in terms of innocent lives destroyed.

It as well means that nearly 7,000 lives are existence destroyed per minute as this vaccine holocaust continues.

This also means that each solar day earlier that we stop the holocaust, we potentially save 10 one thousand thousand lives.

Hence the urgency of our mission. If we stop the vaccine holocaust correct now, we all the same lose 1.v billion human beings from vaccine-induced deaths over the next ten years. Chiefly, human civilization can probably survive such a hitting, equally devastating as it might be.

But if this vaccine holocaust continues for just one more year, globalists could have set into motion the deaths of potentially an additional 3.six billion people on superlative of the ane.5 who are already on the death clock countdown. That means nosotros could lose over 5 billion homo beings in the side by side decade, merely stemming from our inability to stop this holocaust in the adjacent 365 days.

The important question becomes: Can human civilization remain intact if nosotros lose over l% of the population?

I don't accept the answer to that, only given the complication of our modern society, it seems probable that a systemic collapse — "great reset" — would be inevitable. It also seems that this is what the globalists are trying to attain.

Note advisedly that no ane in government ability is suggesting we pause the vaccines, await a year and encounter how many people die. No, they prefer to accuse ahead at full speed — damn the consequences! — and then blame the unvaccinated for the mass deaths of the vaccinated.

Clearly, they are bad faith actors. They are not trying to save lives; they're working to exterminate them.

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